Today’s thought is about food and why nutritious meals are REQUIRED in my rider. As humans, we must have it to survive. The question involves our daily choices. What we intake should be beneficial to our bodies, even if that benefit is a warm smile of occasionally tasting something sweet. I admit that food is not a priority in my life. I eat when I can. Unfortunately, I don’t always have good choices available in the limited amount of time I can eat. Sure, when I’m home, I have access to great food and healthy meals, but when I’m at a gig (which was 240 days of 2015), I’m at the mercy of the venue and what is around it. I’m onsite for usually 6-8+ hours per gig, and I have to keep fuel in my body to perform. And no, I can’t “brown bag it” when I’m miles and days from being home.
Pizza is NOT a healthy choice. I know many who would argue about it involving the basic food groups, but it is not a healthy choice. Period.
Sandwiches are not always a healthy choice. Some of us prefer to not have processed meats and carbohydrates.
Certain meats are not a healthy choice. Between sauces and “au jus,” some of the meats are extremely high in fat and sodium, thus creating a lagging feeling for performers who need energy to perform for YOUR guests.
I completely understand why touring bands bring their own personal chef. It’s not just for the “celebrities,” but also for their entire crew. Everyone working is expending lots of energy and has no time to go get a decent meal in the time allotted.
To my fellow musicians/performers, I strongly suggest adding this clause to your riders, too.
To my friendors, agents and meeting planners, please consider the positive effect on YOUR show and YOUR clients when the talent is fueled properly for a fantastic performance.
Until I can afford my own personal chef on every gig, I will continue to enforce my RIDER where “healthy, nutritious meals must be provided for all performers and crew.”
This is not the rant of a diva, but of a contractor who cares about the SHOW and the health and well-being of every person working. Thank you for understanding.